Urologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon

11 يوليو 2021آخر تحديث : منذ 3 سنوات
Urologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr Ahmed Qteishat

Dr Ahmed Qteishat

MBBS(Hons), MRCS(Glasg), FEBU, FRCS(Urol), JBU, ABU

Education & Training:
•Formal accredited and comprehensive urology training program from the London Deanery, United Kingdom, with the award of a Certificate of Completion of Higher Surgical Training in Urology (CCST – Urology); 2008-2013.
•Laparoscopic Fellowship in renal cancer and reconstructive surgery at Kings College University Hospital – London; 2012/2013.
•Award of the Fellowship of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow FRCS (Urol); 2012; accredited by the four Royal Colleges in the UK: England, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Ireland.

•Advanced training in the management of complex renal stone disease from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust – London 2010/2011
•Training in Holmium laser prostate surgery (HoLEP); Maidstone Hospital – UK 2011/2012
•Training in Green light laser prostate surgery (PVP); Kings College University Hospital – London 2009/2010

•Award of the Fellowship of The European Board of Urology; 2014
•Urology Research Fellow (kidney, prostate and bladder cancer) at The Royal Free Hospital in London; 2005 – 2008
•Honorary Anatomy Demonstrator (teaching medical students) & Honorary Urology Clinical Fellow at University College London Hospital (UCLH) 2007/2008.
•Formal Basic Surgical Training (BST) at University College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH); 2001 – 2004; accredited by the four Royal Colleges in the UK: England, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Ireland.
•MRCS parts 1,2 and 3: The membership exam of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 2006.
•18 years of experience in the UK, 6 years as a certified Consultant Urologist
•Former head of department (clinical lead) at The Princess Alexandra Hospital – UK
•Former head of the cancer MDT meeting for urological cancers at The Princess Alexandra Hospital – UK
•Award of The Jordanian Board of Urology; 2018
•Award of The Arab Board of Urology; 2019

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شروط التعليق :

عدم الإساءة للكاتب أو للأشخاص أو للمقدسات أو مهاجمة الأديان أو الذات الالهية. والابتعاد عن التحريض الطائفي والعنصري والشتائم.