22 أبريل 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات

Nescens Clinique de Genolier experts’ tailor-made programme  .0000designed to help 27.8% of Emiratis

Professor Jacques Proust 1 - مجلة مال واعمال

With more than a quarter of the UAE’s local population suffering from obesity, a luxury Swiss medical centre has launched a bespoke programme specifically tailored to help Emirati people shed weight.

In light of the 2019 UAE National Health Survey, which found that 27.8% of the Emirati population are obese, Nescens Clinique de Genolier has designed the ‘La Cure Nescens’ programme, a unique six-month plan that combines complete medical check-ups with nutritional, behavioural and physical coaching.

Julien Donzel, the Clinic’s Director said: “Excess weight is and always will be a life-threatening condition at the root of several associated medical issues. ‘La Cure Nescens’ is our definitive answer to tackling obesity, providing a healthy and pragmatic approach to weight loss.”

The plan begins with an intensive two-week programme at Nescens Clinique de Genolier, which is nestled high above Lake Geneva and easily accessible by direct flights between Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Geneva. Patients will undergo nutritional, behavioural and physical coaching at the Clinique, all under the supervision of medical staff.

Professor Jacques Proust, the Clinique’s founder said: “Upon analysing the client’s test results from the first two days of the programme, personalised diet plans are created which will be made specifically to their individual requirements and immediate health needs.

“Physical activities will also be prescribed specifically for each client, while one of our physiotherapists will use the cardiovascular and osteoarticular results to create an exercise programme to dovetail their diet, ensuring maximum results.”

Following the two-week stay at Nescens Clinique de Genolier, clients will have monthly scheduled e-consultations to monitor weight-loss progress, as well as a two-day stay at the Clinique after six months for a final medical follow-up.

“It’s important for us to not only assess the client’s individual biological characteristics to provide a unique plan for weight loss, but to also keep an eye on how they develop over the coming months,” added Proust. “Adjustments to their plans, be it their diet or exercise routine, is a necessity that could have a dramatic impact on the efficiency of the entire programme.”

‘La Cure Nescens’ will also be available to nationals of other GCC countries as Nescens aims to tackle obesity rates across the region.

Offering discreet, bespoke services for short, medium and long-term stays, the Clinic provides preventative and regenerative medicine, genetic screenings, nutrition advice, physical and osteo-articular care, as well as aesthetic medicine and stem cell programmes. Patients can book their stays in residences offering a full range of five-star hotel services.

Middle East visitors can access additional services such as the clinic’s centre of expertise in physiotherapy, sport coaching, stem cell treatments, aesthetic medicine and dental care, all offered in an exclusive setting with first-class services.

Nescens Clinique de Genolier is a specialised medical centre and a precursor in preventative health that manages all lifestyle-related medical conditions. The Clinic will be under the Swiss Medical Network umbrella attending this year’s International Luxury Travel Market segment at the Arabian Travel Market.

Representing over 1400 doctors across 65 clinical specialties, Genolier Patient Services will take part in ILTM Arabia, from 28-29 April in Exhibition Hall 1, Dubai World Trade Centre.

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