Dubai-based GLEAC launches the “Future of Work” digital micro-learning system for human skills that cannot be automated

6 أبريل 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 5 سنوات
Dubai-based GLEAC launches the “Future of Work” digital micro-learning system for human skills that cannot be automated

GlEAC 2019 04 06 - مجلة مال واعمال

GLEAC launched its flagship Future of Work app that maps existing and future jobs to human skills that cannot be automated. These skills are not coding, data science or engineering but are all soft skills such as Emotional I.Q, Self-Direction and Communication.

The patent-pending method behind the course is grounded in a behavioral change and growth mindset that uses a benchmark to loosely assess behavior change at several points in a user’s learning journeys as well as delivers daily customized increasing difficulty bite-sized workplace situation modules, self-study, quizzes and feedback/coaching from a personal tutor.

Ironically uses AI/Machine Learning to make us more human.

In addition, the system allows users to start mapping their human skills to existing and future jobs and vice versa. It is globally accredited by SHRM, CPD and AdvancED for K-12 schools and teachers.

Forget about traditional certificates, degrees or awards that make you indistinguishable among a sea of job candidates. GLEAC will help you discover what makes you the unique human that you are and allow jobs to find you based on your complete human identity.

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