Union launches sale of Dubai Motor City housing project

25 نوفمبر 2018آخر تحديث : منذ 5 سنوات
Union launches sale of Dubai Motor City housing project

union - مجلة مال واعمال

Union Properties, a leading property developer in the UAE, has announced the sale of its OIA Residence, a key development featuring more than 260 ready-to-move-in apartments within Dubai Motor City.

A key player in the region with a track record for delivering iconic residential developments, Union Properties said it is hosting an open house on weekends for investors and buyers to help them explore the award-winning Mediterranean style community.

To woo major investors, the Emirati developer is offering them an exclusive 30-month post-handover payment plan with an attractive 50 per cent discount on Dubai Land Department (DLD) fees, said the company in a statement.

OIA Residence is a prime example of Union Properties’ commitment to building quality residential and commercial communities across the UAE, thereby advancing the burgeoning real estate sector and contributing to the socio-economic development of the country, it stated.

The development, which houses one- to four-bedroom units, will be offering a premium living experience in the heart of Dubai Motor City for the residents, it added.

Last year, Union Properties had unveiled the Phase Two masterplan for Dubai Motor City. Comprising a wide range of residential properties, recreational facilities and business units, it is also home to Dubai Autodrome, the UAE’s first fully integrated multipurpose motorsports circuit.

Union Properties has 11 subsidiaries including facilities management firm Serveu and interior company The Fitout

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