Occidental IMPZ hotel in Dubai launches two new restaurant concepts

10 ديسمبر 2018آخر تحديث : منذ 5 سنوات
Occidental IMPZ hotel in Dubai launches two new restaurant concepts

Champs - مجلة مال واعمال

Newly opened Occidental IMPZ hotel in Dubai, from Spanish hospitality group Barcelo, has launched two homegrown restaurant concepts, Champs Sports Bar and Stage Sky Bar & Lounge.

Champs Sports Bar brings together the vibes of an old school sports bar with some modern touches to create an ideal place to watch the latest sporting event with friends or family.

Its menu pays homage to Barcelo’s Spanish roots with a tapas-style offering that goes across a broad range of international cuisines to cater for everyone.

Stage Sky Bar & Lounge is located on the top floor next to the swimming pool deck and is the hotel’s signature venue. Sporting the look of an old American move theatre, the entire floor is embellished with vibrant colours and natural light.

Guests can expect an energetic al fresco atmosphere with dishes including Vietnamese summer rolls, BBQ beef ribs, and fish and chips on the menu.

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