MBC Group – Tuning Into Another Week of The Ultimate In TV Entertainment

19 أبريل 2020آخر تحديث : منذ 4 سنوات
MBC Group – Tuning Into Another Week of The Ultimate In TV Entertainment

Update brought to you by AMSI – A Choueiri Group Brand

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In closely monitoring the evolution of the Covid-19 situation and its precise and ongoing impact on TV Advertising, the latest weekly data findings (For the period spanning March 29-April 4) are once again indicative of MBC Group’s unmatched leadership and potential for advertisers.

Gaining the lion’s share of Arab viewer’s attention, we can once again see that the region’s leading broadcaster is truly the indisputable destination for television entertainment in the Kingdom.

Arabian Media Services International (AMSI) is a part of Choueiri Group and operates as the Exclusive Media Representative for MBC Group.

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