Inside Dubai Exhibition Centre: the event hub at Expo 2020 Dubai

23 أبريل 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات
Inside Dubai Exhibition Centre: the event hub at Expo 2020 Dubai

Dubai Exhibition Centre 1 - مجلة مال واعمال

Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC), which opens for business on October 20, 2020, will be spread across two campuses, housing a theatre, auditorium, several multi-purpose halls, four suites and 24 meeting rooms, and customisable to all event needs, including large indoor concerts.
Expo 2020 Dubai unveiled details of the 45,000 sq m exhibition centre that will serve at the meeting hub for the six-month event, as well as a significant legacy asset for UAE.

Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC), which opens for business on October 20, 2020, will be spread across two campuses, housing a theatre, auditorium, several multi-purpose halls, four suites and 24 meeting rooms, and customisable to all event needs, including large indoor concerts.

Co-located at the Expo 2020 site, the DEC forms a key part of Expo 2020’s legacy, where it will also serve District 2020, the integrated urban development that will repurpose more than 80 percent of Expo’s built environment.

Expo 2020 Dubai released a new 3D animated fly-through of the new venue, which will attract both domestic and international visitors

“By any standard, the Dubai Exhibition Centre will be a cutting edge venue that will play a pivotal role during Expo 2020,” said Ahmed Al Khatib, chief delivery officer, Expo 2020 Dubai

“But the impact of such a unique space will stretch well beyond the six months of the Expo, boosting the region’s meetings and events industry, furthering the UAE’s reputation as a destination for major conferences, and fuelling growth in Dubai’s knowledge-based economy for many years to come.”

Bookings are already being taken for the DEC ahead of Expo 2020 Dubai, which is set to draw 25 million visits.

“There will be no place on the planet offering more exceptional business networking opportunities than Expo 2020 Dubai, and the DEC will be right at its heart,” said Shaun Vorster, vice president, strategy and business integration – Programming at Expo 2020 Dubai.

“Bookings are already going well and this latest 3D animated fly-through, which gives a taster of the high-tech facilities on offer, has already sparked keen interest among the 190 countries participating in Expo 2020.”

The multi-purpose venue is expected to be used by the wider community as a location for summits, business festivals, seminars, weddings, gala dinners and live performances.

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