الرئيسيةEnglishHigh-tech gates pass test for Dubai Metro extension

High-tech gates pass test for Dubai Metro extension

Successful tests have been carried out on automated fare collection gates which will be installed in Route 2020, the Dubai Metro extension project.

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has verified the functionality of the gates as well as central system software of the Route 2020 Project, which will link Dubai Metro’s Red Line to the site of Expo 2020.

A technical team of RTA’s Rail Agency visited Paris to verify the operational readiness of the equipment, a statement said.

Mohammed Yousef Al Mudharreb, director of RTA’s Rail Operations, Rail Agency, said the visit is one of three planned to ensure successful implementation of the new gates.

“This visit complements the continued improvements underway in AFC Gates of existing stations. New gates will be installed, and existing ones will be upgraded through fitting them with the latest technologies in this field,” he said.

He added that during the first quarter of this year, RTA will also install new ticket vending machines, new ticket office machines, new AFC gates with 3D sensors, while adding more central system functionalities.

Route 2020 is the 15km extension of Dubai Metro’s Red Line, which includes elevated viaducts and two underground stations.

In 2016, RTA awarded a $2.8 billion contract for Dubai Metro’s Route 2020 extension project to Expolink Consortium, which comprises Acciona, France’s Alstom, and Turkey’s Gulermak Heavy Industries Construction & Contracting Company.

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