Frost & Sullivan Analyzes the Future of Privacy and Cybersecurity

21 أبريل 2020آخر تحديث : منذ 4 سنوات
Frost & Sullivan Analyzes the Future of Privacy and Cybersecurity

Advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain and continuous authentication to transform the connected era in 2030

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Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, The Future of Privacy and Cybersecurity, Forecast to 2030, finds that by 2030, there will be a complex global network of 200 billion devices, with over 20 connected devices per human. As the Internet of Things landscape is expected to progressively expand beyond the traditional network in use today, there will be an increase in the complexity of privacy and cybersecurity challenges. Consequently, the market will experience deeper synergies among data protection, security, privacy, and public good as more international frameworks are developed to govern the internet.

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عدم الإساءة للكاتب أو للأشخاص أو للمقدسات أو مهاجمة الأديان أو الذات الالهية. والابتعاد عن التحريض الطائفي والعنصري والشتائم.