EU financed ‘Cherry Loveu’ Campaign Tastes Success

mall221 سبتمبر 2022آخر تحديث : منذ سنتين
EU financed ‘Cherry Loveu’ Campaign Tastes Success

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 20. September 2022: An exclusive B2B dinner event took place on Monday 12th of September at 19:00 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in the frame of the implementation of the EU-financed campaign “Cherry Loveu”.
Participants from the Horeca sector, importers, distributors, etc., had the opportunity to learn more about the superior quality of the delicious European cherries from Greece, their specific properties and nutritional value, learned more about the participant organisations in the program, and discussed further business collaborations.
The European-financed campaign “Cherry Loveu” aims to promote the high-quality European cherries produced with the highest quality and food safety standards and reach as many consumers as possible to increase product awareness and offer them the opportunity to savour the European cherries’ exceptional taste and freshness.

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