Brazilian participates in tech event in Dubai

21 أبريل 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات
Brazilian participates in tech event in Dubai

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The first edition of the artificial intelligence congress ‘AI Everything,’ to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from April 30 to May 1st will feature the Brazilian data scientist Gilberto Titericz Junior that works at the artificial intelligence company Ople based in California, United States, founded by the Brazilian entrepreneur Pedro Alves. Titericz is from Curitiba, Brazil and studied electronic engineering and has worked for companies such as Airbnb, Petrobras and Ambev.

AI Everything will gather over 130 panelist and over 100 high-tech AI companies and startups from 80 countries. The UAE have a strategy for artificial intelligence that envisions the country to become a world leader in AI by 2031, generating up to USD 90 billion in its economy.

Hosted by the UAE’s National Program for Artificial Intelligence, the event’s mission is to promote initiatives, collaborations, partnerships and breakthroughs in the field of AI, and to foster positive impact on governments, businesses, social enterprises, and humankind. The event is free to attend. To view the whole programme, access its website .

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