The head of Citizenship by Investment of the Commonwealth of Dominica Hon’ble Emmanuel Nanthan

6 فبراير 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات
The head of Citizenship by Investment of the Commonwealth of Dominica Hon’ble Emmanuel Nanthan

unnamed - مجلة مال واعمال

The head of Citizenship by Investment of the Commonwealth of Dominica Hon’ble Emmanuel Nanthan today conferred Dominican passports upon 40 new citizens under Dominica’s Citizenship By Investment programme in a ceremony held in Dubai, organised by their legal representative – AAA Associates immigration advisory – based in Dubai. The new citizenship recipients belong to different counties who reside in the UAE.

Dominican programme was recently declared, yet again, the world’s best in a special report by the Financial Times subsidiary Professional Wealth Management, titled ‘The 2018 CBI Index’, it is the only comprehensive and independent ranking system that critically analyses and compares the 13 countries currently operating government-legislated CBI programmes around the world.

Based in Dubai, AAA Associates is a Regulated Immigration Adviser (RIA) and Authorised Representative (AR) by the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Unit of Commonwealth of Dominica. AAA Associates immigration advisory is part of Samana Group of Companies, the oldest and largest immigration company in the Middle East.

“Today is an historic day for the people who have received Dominican citizenship. We welcome our new compatriots as Dominica is open to all nationalities”, said, Hon’ble Emmanuel, adding that UAE is a blessed land and people who come here make it their second home and travel all over the world for leisure and business. Country makes them rich and they can afford to get 2nd passport from Caribbean states and Dominica is the most favourite programme among them.”

Middle East applicants who including Syrians, Yemenis, Bahrainis, Omanis, Kuwaitis, Moroccans, Indians, Pakistanis, Iranis, Iraqis, Egyptians and Afghanis are the contributors of whopping 51 per cent increase in demand for Caribbean citizenship in 2017-18.

Imran Farooq, Chief Executive Officer of AAA Associates, while congratulating the new citizens of Dominica, commented: “We were able to reach to this high level of quality service due to the inspiration from futuristic vision of His Highness Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. We will continue to build the legacy.”

“I personally thank Hon’ble Emmanuel Nanthan, the head of Citizenship By Investment Unit of the Commonwealth of Dominica, who took time to travel from Dominica to Dubai to confer upon the passports to new citizens. He revealed that our Dominica application processing centre in the UAE keeps us very busy as we get many new prospect clients interested in Dominican Citizenship and passport every month.

Established in 1993, the Dominica Economic Citizenship Programme legally offers individuals and families worldwide an irrevocable second citizenship and passport in only four to six months with no visit to the country required.

Dominican citizenship by investment programme is the most affordable second citizenship scheme in the world. It offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to around 120 countries, including UK, Schengen zone, Singapore, Hong Kong, Russia and China. Best of all, Dominica offers the most affordable citizenship by investment programme in the world with reputable second investment options starting from very affordable investment of US$100,000.

Mr. Ahba a Moroccan, who received the Dominican passport today, commented: “We are so blessed to have it and thankful to AAA Associates who helped us with the professional guidance and put forward a convincing case.”

Mr. Khan an Afghanistan citizen, commented: “The money invested in the citizenship worth it as I, along with my family, have now secured our future with Dominican passport. Thank you AAA, thank you Dominica.”

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