Satellite operator to attend international expo in Dubai

6 مارس 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات
Satellite operator to attend international expo in Dubai

turkish satellite operator to attend intl expo - مجلة مال واعمال

Turkish satellite operator Türksat will attend the Middle East’s largest broadcasting exhibition in Dubai next week, the state-run company confirmed Tuesday.

CABSAT 2019, to be held on March 12-13, will bring together satellite communication and cable broadcasting companies from around the world.

The Türksat 4B communication satellite will be displayed at the company’s stand. The satellite is located at the 50 degrees East orbital location and offers Ultra HD 8K (super hi-vision), the latest broadcasting technology available.

The company will also showcase its Satcom On The Move (SOTM) antenna, which offers economic and uninterrupted communication services via satellite to mobile vehicles on land and sea.

Türksat is currently working on the production of a 6A communication satellite. It will be developed and produced indigenously to be operated by Türksat. This satellite will be Turkey’s first fully domestic national satellite, which will be produced mostly from national components. It is expected to be completed by 2020.

The satellite’s equipment, software, subsystems and ground stations, which will also be developed locally, will cost an estimated TL 600 million.

The satellite, featuring 23 transponders in total – 18 active and five spares – will have a mass of approximately 4,300 kilograms, including fuel. It will be placed in orbit at 42 degrees east longitude, and in addition to serving Turkey, it will also serve customers in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

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