Pirelli launches Tyre Hotel concept in Dubai

2 نوفمبر 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 5 سنوات
Pirelli launches Tyre Hotel concept in Dubai

pirelli tyre hotel - مجلة مال واعمال

Pirelli, the global tyre manufacturer, has introduced its Pirelli Tyre Hotel concept to the UAE, a tailored facility where drivers can store their premium tyres to optimise performance.

The temperature-controlled facility at Pirelli’s P ZERO World in Dubai is fitted with custom-designed racks designed to enhance health and longevity of tyres. The concept was first introduced by Pirelli at its Tyre Performance Centre in Burton-on-Trent, England.

Dubai is one of only four such stores in the world, after Munich, Monte Carlo and Los Angeles.

With the new motorsport and track day season now in action, the hotel’s location on Hessa Street is close to Dubai Autodrome. Pirelli said drivers can call into P ZERO World, change tyres for their track session before returning them to the hotel.

Vintage car owners can also check their tyres into the hotel, which is complimentary for Pirelli customers, to guard against flat spots, a common condition in cars that are parked for long periods while the hotel also caters to off-road enthusiasts.

Alberico Avogadro, managing director, Pirelli Middle East, said: “The Tyre Hotel is a novel concept tailored to meet the needs of our loyal customers and drivers who want to optimize the performance, whether on the track or the road.

“We are committed to service excellence and the hotel facility means drivers don’t have to worry about the performance of their tyres. Our team of specialists at P Zero World Dubai take care of everything, which allows drivers to pull in for a pit-stop, change their tyres and go.”

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