Mansour Al Thani CEO & Co-Founder itcan e-commerce performance marketing agency

30 أكتوبر 2017آخر تحديث : منذ 7 سنوات
Mansour Al Thani CEO & Co-Founder itcan e-commerce performance marketing agency
Mansour Al Thani, CEO & Co-founder, itcan

Mansour Al Thani is the CEO and Co-Founder of itcan e-commerce performance marketing agency, one of the Middle East’s growing digital marketing agencies. itcan was established in 2015 to help its clients accelerate their e-commerce and digital presence in today’s fast-paced era. The company headquartered in Dubai has another branch in Saudi Arabia covering a range e-commerce services and solutions.

In establishing the relatively young itcan, the 27-year-old Mansour relied on his unending inquisitiveness in processes and thirst for new knowledge and innovation. He is not the one to shy away from exploring unchartered territories and pushing boundaries to gain expertise and insights into areas and fields that interest him.

This attitude in life is clearly reflected in itcan’s vision and mission to raise the bar high in the regional industry through constant innovation and creation. It has also driven him to co-found T-lbs, an online clothing project that sells shirts with Arabic calligraphy, Saudi Jokes, fashion, and his own personal designs printed on them. T-lbs was conceptualized specifically for Dubai SME’s Young Entrepreneurs Competition in 2012.

The dynamic business owner also appeared in multiple ad campaigns for STC, The Qatar Handball Worldcup 2015, Nissan, and Mentos, to cite a few. Mansour was the former SEO Analyst of MakoLab in Poland where he got exposed to processes of e-marketing activities and services. During his stint in the company, he actively participated in the SEO optimization solution for Renault GCC.

He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Sharjah University.

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