2 يونيو 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات

Story 11 1 - مجلة مال واعمال

What is claimed to be South Asia’s largest LPG transshipment terminal has been officially inaugurated at Sri Lanka’s Hambantota International Port by LAUGFS Terminals. The first LPG cargo was brought in by the Sri Lankan flagged vessel Gas Success, one of LAUGFS Maritime’s own gas carrier fleet.

The new LAUGFS LPG Terminal is an important addition to the energy infrastructure in the Indian Ocean, being strategically located adjacent to key maritime East-West trading routes. The terminal will operate as a central hub for LPG importing and re-exporting as well as the providing LPG to local retailers.

The 30,000 tonnes capacity LPG terminal will serve coastal shipping services between Hambantota and Colombo. It is expected to lead to the creation of other service sectors in the immediate hinterland, generating employment and income generation opportunities for the country. Already plans are underway for capacity at the terminal to be extended to 45,000 tonnes through the completion of a second phase of the project.

LAUGFS’s market presence has rapidly expanded across the region in line with the Sri Lankan government’s interest in the sector. Its activities include downstream activities in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh through LAUGFS Gas, and LPG ocean freight services and related logistics using its own fleet of LPG vessels, through LAUGFS Maritime. The group also has a Dubai-based energy trading arm, SLOGAL Energy DMCC.

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