Emirates reveals plans for Dubai runway closure

15 أبريل 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 6 سنوات
Emirates reveals plans for Dubai runway closure

emirates concourse featured 1 - مجلة مال واعمال

Dubai based airline Emirates has said it is working hard to implement measures to deliver a ‘seamless experience’ for its customers during the impending runway closure at Dubai International Airport (DXB).

Dubai International Airport will close its southern runway from April 16 to May 30 while it undergoes extensive upgrade work.

“Emirates has been working hard to implement measures to further maximise operational efficiencies at DXB” the statement read.

The airline previously confirmed that up to 48 Emirates aircrafts will not be utilised, with a 25 per cent reduction in the overall number of flights operated by the airline during the 45-day period.

Passengers travelling during the southern runway closure have been advised to arrive early for their flights. Passengers should arrive ‘at least three hours’ ahead of the scheduled departure time and are reminded that they can check in up to 24 hours in advance at the airport, or online from 48 hours to 90 minutes ahead of their departure.

The airline said it is also placing a ‘substantial emphasis’ on communication to its passengers through several channels, to keep them accurately informed of their flight’s status.

Further operational initiatives during the Southern Runway closure period include: reducing vehicle movements on the ramp; efficient movement of Cabin and Flight Deck crews to the aircraft; faster transit passenger flow procedures, predictive aircraft maintenance, and prioritising operationally restricted flights.

Dubai Airports CEO Paul Griffiths also confirmed that both DXB and Al Maktoum Airport (DWC) are ‘good to go’ ahead of the runway closure later this week.

“We’re confident we are fully prepared and good to go for April 16,” said Griffiths.

“We are encouraging passengers to confirm their airport of departure before they set out to take their flights but otherwise they can expect smooth operations and great service.”

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