Dubai in top 10 safest cities in the world

21 يوليو 2019آخر تحديث : منذ 5 سنوات
Dubai in top 10 safest cities in the world

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A new survey has confirmed Dubai is a very safe place to live and work.
That’s according to a study by crowd-sourced global database website Numbeo, based on a global index of crime.

Nearly 70,000 residents from 330 cities rated how safe they feel, including on issues of crime and discrimination.

Down the road, the UAE capital has been named as the safest city in the world once again, making it three years in a row for Abu Dhabi,

Abu Dhabi tallied an impressive 89.39 in the safety index and 10.61 in the crime index. This is the third year in row that Abu Dhabi has topped the list. The city first made it in 2017.

Here in Dubai, we scored 83.43 in the safety index and 16.57 for crime.

Also joining Dubai in the top 10 are Doha, Qatar; Quebec City, Canada; Taipei, Taiwan; Munich, Germany; Zurich, Switzerland; Bern, Switzerland; Hong Kong and Eskisehir, Turkey.

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