GOIC Secretary General visits Qatar Leadership Academy

28 مايو 2017آخر تحديث : منذ 8 سنوات
GOIC Secretary General visits Qatar Leadership Academy


His Excellency Mr. Abdulaziz Bin Hamad Al-Ageel, Secretary General of the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC), visited Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA), member of Qatar Foundation, on Monday, May 22, 2017. Mr. Al-Ageel was met with warm welcome by His Excellency Brigadier General Ali Ahmed Al-Kuwari, Director of QLA.

His Excellency Brig. Gen. Al-Kuwari delivered a comprehensive presentation on the vision, mission and goals of the Academy and an overview of its different departments and programs. He stressed that QLA seeks continuous development to provide students with all their needs, which allows them to fully serve the local community. His Excellency explained that the three pillars of QLA are: academic development, scientific research and local community service.

Furthermore, GOIC Secretary General presented the Organization’s activities to support joint Gulf industrial endeavours and an overview of GOIC’s programs, events, initiatives and key role in providing statistical data and information on the industrial sector in GCC states. In fact, the Organization is perceived as a main source of industrial, economic and social information in the region. His Excellency expressed his deepest gratitude to QLA for its role in preparing leaders of the future who protect and further the civilisation of their homeland.

Afterwards, the two men exchanged gifts of appreciation, took souvenir photos and toured the Academy to witness the students’ achievements first-hand. Mr. Al-Ageel accompanied by Brig. Gen. Al-Kuwari visited the academic building, student housing, barriers range and the heritage council to see the services offered by QLA to the students in a suitable education environment.

In conclusion, His Excellency Mr. Al-Ageel thanked QLA Administration and staff for their great efforts to develop the qualities of independence, innovation and responsible thinking of the students and prepare them to become leaders of their community.

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