GOIC holds a training on financial analysis of investment projects using COMFAR

5 يونيو 2017آخر تحديث : منذ 8 سنوات
GOIC holds a training on financial analysis of investment projects using COMFAR

The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC) organises a training workshop in the financial analysis of investment projects using COMFAR software (Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting) from the 23rd till the 27th of July 2017 at its headquarters in Doha, Qatar. This training course falls under GOIC’s Training and Capacity Development Program (TCD) aiming at developing the capacities of workers in the GCC industrial sector.
This course targets entrepreneurs, professionals and specialised staff at ministries and industrial authorities in the GCC, various banks and financial institutions, Gulf chambers of commerce and industry, entrepreneurial institutions and businessmen.
The workshop will include guidelines in the techniques of preparation of economic feasibility studies and reports for entrepreneurs. It focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector and aims at helping professionals better understand issues relating to the preparation of feasibility studies and the perception of financial institutions. It also sheds light on the implementation of projects and financial and economic evaluation of projects using COMFAR.

The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC) offers a number of training workshops to concerned parties according their needs in various fields through its Training and Capacity Development Program (TCD). GOIC aims at improving individual and organisational capacities in the industrial sector in GCC countries and Yemen. You can register to attend any workshop by visiting the Organization’s website www.goic.org.qa or via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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