الرئيسيةfbmjoFacts about Bloom & Bloom Social Responsibility

Facts about Bloom & Bloom Social Responsibility


Thousands of years ago and up to now the mysterious healing power of the water and minerals coming from the lowest point on earth in the Dead Sea have been scientifically proven. Since minerals are part of our bodies 4-5% ,work as biocatalyst for ideal skin function , skin usually accept these minerals and natural elements to the third internal layer that grant a natural healthier younger looking skin and a natural smooth and balanced beauty job .

Engineer Elham Zeadat the GM and founder of BLOOM , president of Pilot Yazan Aranki Charity ,Board of trustees for MEU university ,Lead Assessor in ISO 9000 started establishing her own business in 1993 ,the Bloom Dead Sea Gift Enterprise producing Bloom natural beauty collection with a very small loan, she took the responsibility to produce only the best line of products (start producing 3 items until about 161 items now) based on the unique combination of more than 25 types of minerals and trace elements extracted from the best and largest reservoir of minerals in the word , the Dead Sea

*Bloom Products recently exporting to 42 countries

*The winners of several local and international Awards ,and reached the final stage for King Abdullah Award for Excellence ,with very interesting testimonials worldwide

*Bloom started franchising unique center at airports and in town offering amazing foot, Hand and face treatments using Bloom Dead Sea minerals and techniques with Reflexology.

*All Products are manufactured according to GMP standards

*Bloom became so blessed after the special social responsibility started through the fully support for pilot Yazan Aranki charity association , happy to give Hand for 3000 less fortunate families all over Jordan in different means ,such as , establish income generating projects  ,school grants , giving food and clothes ,medical support from pilot Yazan  clinic…….etc

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