مجلة مال واعمال

EKI Schools Celebrate Top Marks in Dubai School Inspection Bureau Ratings (DSIB)


 Repton School Dubai retains Outstanding for the fourth year and Foremarke School is upgraded to Very Good

Evolvence Knowledge Investments (EKI) proudly confirms the exceptional results of the latest Dubai School Inspection Bureau (DSIB) 2018 report, in which both of their Dubai schools – Repton and Foremarke – were awarded very favorable ratings. Repton has retained the ‘Outstanding’ grade for the fourth consecutive year and Foremarke has progressed to being rated ‘Very Good’.
The report studied the academic outcomes for pupils, the quality of teaching and management of the school, in addition to personal development, behavioral and welfare aspects of the pupils.
It also highlighted Repton’s efforts to sustain and enhance a culture of inclusion and innovation across various aspects. Pupils’ high level of achievement and their success in international tests was well noted as a consequence of outstanding teaching, coupled with their extremely positive attitudes to learning.
David Cook, Repton’s Headmaster said: “Repton has successfully met the new rigorous criteria of the DSIB National Agenda Framework, and once again has been rated Outstanding. This very significant recognition is an excellent reflection of the dedication of our pupils, teachers and all our support team over the past year, and we remain very grateful to our supportive parents. We regard this success as a firm foundation for the future as we continue on our journey to offer excellence, through constant efforts to provide the best education for our children”.
Foremarke established just five years ago, has further improved in 15 areas within the DSIB inspection framework. The school exceeds expectations regarding the provision for achieving National Agenda targets, which includes the pupil attainment of the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. The report also stated the efficient management of all aspects of the school, the high calibre and training of staff, the quality of accommodation and sufficiency of resources that enables an effective learning experience.
Naomi Williams, Headmistress at Foremarke said: “This year marks a milestone for Foremarke, as we have been officially graded ‘Very Good’ by the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB), with a number of areas now being judged as outstanding including the behaviour, attitudes to learning and resilience of the pupils, safeguarding, child protection and health and safety as well as attainment and progress in English. The Very Good outcome is a tremendous achievement that the whole school community truly deserves and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our pupils for the way in which they conducted themselves during the inspection and also parents for their continued support and contribution to the school. What we have done successfully at Foremarke is to create a vibrant environment for learning, distinguished by our excellent teaching and high expectations. This has also resulted in outstanding results such as the National Agenda Progress tests where Foremarke pupils have performed well above international standards.”
As a provider of quality education, EKI previously declared a 10 % fee reduction across both schools, effective from the 2018/19 Academic Year. Repton has also decided to implement a freeze on Junior School fees for the next academic year. In line with its initiative to support deserving pupils, Foremarke and Repton have also successfully launched five scholarships for pupils who excel across five categories: Academics, Performing Arts, Sports, Music and All Round performance.