Charvet debuts model at Gulfood 2016

22 فبراير 2016آخر تحديث : منذ 9 سنوات
Charvet debuts model at Gulfood 2016


At Gulfood 2016, French kitchen equipment company Charvet debuted its new, space-saving and multi-purpose model.

The new combi-pan has been designed as part of the 700 Series, devised for economical use of space, and introduced in Dubai this week, at Gulfood 2016.

Demonstrated for Caterer Middle East by Charvet general manager Pierre-Alain Augagneur, the combi-pan is composed of two electrically heated hot surfaces, which can be used in conjunction, or separated with a bridge to create two entirely separate cooking surfaces.

The pan has been manufactured with a 12mm thick base, which Augagneur told Caterer Middle East provides a greater evenness of cooking.

The pan, he explained, can be used for several cooking techniques, such as basic griddling, braising, stewing and also steaming. The equipment also comes with additional accessories such as a cutting board, and a rack.

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