GULFOOD 2015: Entrepreneurs, franchisors, franchisees and investors sharing insights, trends and opportunities at the Food Franchising Forum

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admin11 فبراير 2015آخر تحديث : منذ 9 سنوات
GULFOOD 2015: Entrepreneurs, franchisors, franchisees and investors sharing insights, trends and opportunities at the Food Franchising Forum

Food franchising – one of the growth drivers of the regional hospitality market – enjoyed a dedicated platform at Gulfood today, with an effective network of industry influencers coming together to share insights, trends and opportunities at the Food Franchising Forum – the final instalment of this year’s Gulfood Leaders Events. An essential guide to food franchising, the conference is especially pertinent as the UAE is a strategic point-of-entry for the growing number of international brands expanding into the GCC and the wider region.

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